Waste Reduction News
We are continuing with LITTERLESS LUNCHES everyday. The "Eco Police" is checking every week to see which classes are litterless and each week a class gets to host the ECO AWARD trophy. Please send your child's snacks and lunches in REUSABLE containers. We are also asking that students take any lunch litter that can't be recycled or composted back home. We are trying to show students on a daily basis how much garbage each of us creates. Ideally all lunch items come in reusable containers!
We are collecting used cellphones, laptops, ink cartridges, laser cartridges and digital cameras for MONEY. We have found a company that will recycle these items and send us money for them. A box has been placed in the office for collection of these items. What a great way to clean up at home, save our landfill sites and help Our Lady of Lourdes with further environmental projects! Thanks to all of you who have been dropping off these items!
Please send reusable drink containers with your child. We have lots of free, clean, safe water right here at our water fountains. You save money and the environment! If you would like to purchase a OLOL stainless steel bottle for your child for $3, please have your child speak to Mme Brenyo.
We are continuing with Green Carts, along with approximately 30 other schools in the city. We can now put food waste, paper tissues, paper towels, etc. in the Green Cart and further reduce our garbage.