Principal's Message
Principal's Welcome Message
I welcome all visitors to the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School website. We are a Catholic faith community committed to learning about God’s message of peace and love through the teachings of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. In conjunction with the Church, students, parents and staff dedicate themselves to living and sharing Jesus’ teachings through celebration of the mass, acts of service to others and exercising responsible use of the earth’s resources.
Our Lady of Lourdes School is a Gold Certified Eco-School. We are proud of our many efforts to reduce our carbon footprint as we teach and learn about conservation and sustainability.
Students and staff at Our Lady of Lourdes School are guided by our 3R’s, and our 3C's: Religion, Respect and Responsibility; Catholicity, Curriculum, and Community. While there is a dedicated time for the study of our Catholic faith, it is also deeply embedded in the study of all subject areas taught over the course of the day. Members of OLOL School are asked to reflect daily on “What would Jesus do” when endeavouring to solve problems and engaging in respectful interactions with others. Students are guided in developing respect for themselves by eating healthily, exercising and developing positive self-esteem which, in turn, leads to respect toward others. Everyone at Our Lady of Lourdes shares in the responsibility for student achievement. Academic excellence is our goal for all students as we work together to provide for them the necessary skills and knowledge so that they may, in turn, become responsible citizens ready to take on the challenges of the future. We advocate for the building of community partnerships, and are committed to equity, inclusivity, parent/student/parish and staff engagement..."our strength is in people...our pride are the children...our devotion is through God's grace."
Our Lady of Lourdes School is a place where children learn and discover their world under the expert guidance of a highly skilled staff and with the strong support of hard-working, dedicated parents. Our motto, “Learning and Growing with Jesus”, reflects our focus that through Religion, Respect and Responsibility, all students can succeed.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs. L. Fama, Principal